Welcome to the NHS Virus Hunt!


As you were working on your project, you discovered that viruses have invaded the human body and are causing chaos. Armed with your coding skills and medical knowledge, you are humanity's last hope. Make use of your medical expertise, choose the correct code and deploy it to save the day!


  • Game starts with Level: 1, Virus: 0 & Health: 100%, with no time limit.
  • You will be given two types of questions(coding and health) each having 4 options to choose from.
  • For coding challenges, the questions and options will be displayed in green.
  • Type the number of your answer and deploy it to combat viruses.
  • Your score increases for each virus eliminated.
  • After eliminating a certain number of viruses, your level will increase,
    and the game will become faster with each level-up.
  • To Keep your health above 0, answer health related questions (red) (+5 for correct answers).
  • ***Be careful!***If you answer incorrectly or virus escape and hit the wall, you lose health.(by -5)
  • The game ends when your health reaches zero.
  • Are You READY to hunt the viruses?